Nawiewniki wrębowe Regel-air®

Regel-air Polska
date: 2024-09-20 04:55:47
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Areas of application

for Regel-air® window vents

Regel-air® window vents are primarily used for cross ventilation. In addition, the window vents can also be installed in combination with exhaust air systems, as air intake elements for combustion air supply and shaft ventilation.

Cross ventilation

The Regel-air® window rebate vents work through cross ventilation. To guarantee airflow in all rooms, it is recommended to fit every window in all rooms with Regel-air®. A customised ventilation concept in accordance with DIN 1946-6 can be created. The exchange of air through the window vents is influenced by the building location, facade construction and wind speed.

Exhaust air systems

Regel-air® window vents are very well suited for a combination with exhaust air systems and ensure the required air intake is provided. Exhaust air systems transport moist air out of buildings. To allow sufficient outdoor air to flow into all rooms from the outside, external air apertures (EAA) are required. Regel-air® window vents are recognised as external air apertures (EAA).

Combustion air supply

The Regel-air® FFL system is a recognised air intake element for combustion air supply. It ensures the required air intake and perfect combustion. To determine which Regel-air® window vents you need, consult your chimney inspector.

Shaft ventilation

Shaft ventilation is an older form of home ventilation that can still frequently be seen in older buildings. Thermal updraft in the shaft is used to carry away moist air. This effect creates negative pressure in houses and apartments that causes fresh air to flow through the Regel-air® window vents. Nowadays, shafts are often used to install a central exhaust air system.